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verify cost on hybrid

How can i verify what I paid for a phone call? I saw my credit decrease but I cannot find any option to see the actual call duration, destintion number and what i was charged for that.
On another note... it might be a good thing to have this site in english as well...
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Oud Community Moderator
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Hi @tmtudy , via the software of your phone it's possible to look up the call duration and destination number. There is no option to see this via My Vodafone when you have Hybride or Prepaid. Vodafone has not chosen to make the site also available in English. You can use Google Translate to translate any webpage.
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Hi Mark, can you tell me what are the exact menus I need to use in order to verify that? I have tried all of them but cannot seem to find any info on call duration.
Thank you
Oud Community Moderator
Oud Community Moderator
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Hello@tmtudy, that depends on the handheld you use.
Normally you should find it via the settings menue.
Regards, Per
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