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Vodafone Customer Service ?

I called Vodafone customer service to terminate my subscription when it was expired and requested to transfer the number to prepaid number in Nov and Dec. At the call, one of your customer service colleague confirmed the subscription will be terminated and requested me to mail a form in order to transfer the number to the prepaid. At same time, customer service informed me that I would have to pay one more month subscription (which I was fine). I did fill in the form and mailed it to Vodafone in the following day after the call. After that, I did not hear anything until yesterday I received the second month extra subscription billing. I called and mailed the customer service yesterday and today, the explanation was that the form I sent was not filled in completely as such the subscription was not terminated.

The explanation to me did not make sense and I requested answer to following two questions which the customer service was not able to/refused to provide but keep saying you will have to the subscription up to end of Jan in order to terminated the subscription.

1) I would like to understand why Vodafone customer service did not give me a call to inform me if I indeed filled in the data incorrectly? Considered I have been receiving 4-5 times call per week from Vodafone customer service informed me what were options did i have when the subscription was to expired . The frequency of such calls did not reduce even after I informed the customer service I would not continue this subscription.
2) I would like to see the form I submitted and to understand which party of data was not filled in completely in order to verify this is not Vodafone fault for not proceed my request.

Anyone can help on this?

Best Regards/Lin Wang

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@mzh004 please contact our customer service about this. Our forum members are not able to access your personal information and won't be able to help you with this. This topic will be closed.
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