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New phone + SIM card not delivered by Dynalogic !

I placed an order for a new phone with a new contract last monday (29-05-2017), the number portablity was accepted and the phone + sim card was given to Dynalogic on 30-5-2017. Today the date is 05-06-2017, I still haven't received my phone nor the SIM card. From tomorrrow, my old sim will get deactivated which will leave me with no mobile number ! Dynalogic's track and trace displays "Sorting error." When contacted dynalogic on Friday (02-06-2017) "We will contact you soon if not today then tomorrow, then you fix an new appointment for the delivery". No messgae received till today (05-06-2017). WIll I get my phone + aim ? Now what am I supposed to do ? A very bad service from your end for choosing such a company for delivery ! I don't know why a company like yours have chosen such an unreliable company for delivery.
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Oud Community Moderator
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Hi gaudhaman,

Indeed there has been some problems lately with our deliveries. We are very sorry for the inconvenience. What is the current status? Did you receive your phone? Or at least have a new appointment?
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The current status is same as before. Dynalogic track and trace displays "Sorting error". Neither can I make a new appointment. Atleast I got a temporary sim card from the vodafone store.
Serkan B
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