I placed an order for a new phone with a new contract last monday (29-05-2017), the number portablity was accepted and the phone + sim card was given to Dynalogic on 30-5-2017. Today the date is 05-06-2017, I still haven't received my phone nor the SIM card. From tomorrrow, my old sim will get deactivated which will leave me with no mobile number ! Dynalogic's track and trace displays "Sorting error." When contacted dynalogic on Friday (02-06-2017) "We will contact you soon if not today then tomorrow, then you fix an new appointment for the delivery". No messgae received till today (05-06-2017). WIll I get my phone + aim ? Now what am I supposed to do ? A very bad service from your end for choosing such a company for delivery ! I don't know why a company like yours have chosen such an unreliable company for delivery.