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Cancelling order

Hello, I canceled my order number 376062751 more than 5 days ago, I still have no refund to my account!

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Hi @Encik22

Sorry you cancelled your order 😞 Normally you get the refund of the purchase amount within 5 working days. If you paid by credit card, your bank may take longer to refund the amount. If you don't have paid by creditcard and the 5 working days are expired, please call 0800 - 0560. The order department can check everything for you and make a request for the refund of your purchase. 

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I can't get through there, this number doesn't work. I also called a few days ago. Please find out what is happening with my money, do I not have it back yet?

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Hi @Encik22 

On 19 October the order is been declined at the door. I see a note that it will be send back to us as soon as possible. Normally you get a payment back within 5 working days. Like I mentioned before this refund can take longer if the payment is been done by creditcard. 

Unfortunately I don't have the same possibilities like my colleagues of the department 'status order'. I can't look up the payment and push the refund, so I would ask you to please call them: 0800-0650. It can take a little bit longer because it's quite busy, but please hang on. The number is working. 

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I will say otherwise, if I will not have the money on my account until tomorrow by 10 am, I will report the matter to the police.

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