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vodafone postpaid billing

The billing cycle is till month end. Vodafone is deducting the amount without intimating me 5 days before the billing cycle ie on 27 th of the month. Before deducting the amount Vodafoen should inform me the amount of bill and date when the amount shall be deducted.

4 Reacties 4
Niet van toepassing
Hey rupeshnanglia

Normally you will get a text message or an email that the invoice is ready. You can also see it in my vodafone. De package goes from the first of the month untill the end of the month. The package cost you pay ahead but the usercosts you wil see a month later on the invoice.

Niet van toepassing
The billing cycle is always around the same date. On that moment you pay the package costs and the user costs for the month before it.
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