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I have problem  with the bill for month September   i want plz to check again before  i pay it


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Could you fill in the details on your profile. This way I can check what costs are on this invoice.

Let me explain to you what happend if an invoice won't be paid. 
If your simcard will be blocked, it means that there are/ is an invoice(s) not bin paid yet. 
Before we will block a simcard, you receive several text messages and you can check the app for the invoices. After a longer period the simcard will be blockerd. 
It is up to the customer to pay the invoices on time. If you don't understant why there are extra costs on a invoice, you can contact customer support. my advise is to do this on the moment that the invoice will apear in My Vodafone. From that moment you still have a few days.

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Hello @basma 

Welcome to our community.

I would like to help you further with the invoice of September. 
Can you tell me what the problem is? 
Could you also fill in the details in your profile, please? 

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My problem  is i should pay 13 euro per month and the bill is 37 euro i think there is something wrong and its not the  first time happened 

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If you open the invoice in My Vodafone (rekeningen - click on the name of the invoice), which costs do you see @basma 

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Again i check the  invoice to see where  the 24 euro  but i didnot find any thing  . Now  more than one week u cut the service  and  tell now i didnot any explanation  for that bill

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Could you fill in the details on your profile. This way I can check what costs are on this invoice.

Let me explain to you what happend if an invoice won't be paid. 
If your simcard will be blocked, it means that there are/ is an invoice(s) not bin paid yet. 
Before we will block a simcard, you receive several text messages and you can check the app for the invoices. After a longer period the simcard will be blockerd. 
It is up to the customer to pay the invoices on time. If you don't understant why there are extra costs on a invoice, you can contact customer support. my advise is to do this on the moment that the invoice will apear in My Vodafone. From that moment you still have a few days.

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