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YOU L sim prepaid

How does it work YOU L prepaid simcard? How does it work if i only use data? Can i recharge it? Can a buy and use it just for one month? Do I need cancel it after this month? Does it work in Germany, France and Spain?
4 Reacties 4
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With You L you het 1gb data for in Europe. If there is nog data left, you can activate extra Blox with data. After 30 days the you L is gone and if you want to use it again, you have to reactivate it again. There is also an option to renewal it everythime.
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OK. and is 7,50 euro the simcard with 1GB or is 7,50 euro just the simcard and i have tu buy more fore these 1Gb?

Niet van toepassing
For the 7,50 you will get the simcard and you L
Serkan B
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