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I am having unlimited subscription with VF and i believe in any language unlimited means unlimited, so how come i am limited 

to 10 GB data per day? thats mean you VF cheating the clients by using the word UNLIMITED, i asked through the VF app one of your unprofessional staff to file a compliant against this and he or she refused to file complaint or even provide details to whom i should file a complaint!!!!!!! and based of that i will take the chat screenshots to my lawyer to take legal actions against you for cheating the clients, and not providing the basic right to complaint against you   

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A Red Unlimited subscription is unlimited internet in the Netherlands. Every day you get 10 GB of data, if you are through that, another 2 GB will be automatically activated. If you're through that again, you can go to My Vodafone and activate an extra 2 GB for free and without limitation, over and over again.


I know, it's not really user friendly, but you do have unlimited internet.

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