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Unblocking 0900 numbers

Hello! Recently I've tried to call a number which starts from 0900. I've received an automatic voice message that such number does not exist. However I clearly now that it is not the case. I've called Vodafone tech support and the employee told me that for my simcard calls to 0900 were blocked, and that he has unlocked them and all I have to do is restart my phone. 0900- calls are still blocked for me, and that's why I'm posting this message here. Is there any way to unblock it via MyVodafone?

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Hi @Nightwayfarer23, welcome here!

I'm sorry to read that you still can't call 0900-numbers. When I check your settings I see that my colleague has unblocked the service numbers. So according to that information it must be possible to call a 0900-number, however it still doesn't work. You also have the option to do this in My Vodafone. Click here for the direct link to this page. Did you also restart your phone today or only after the call with my colleague? 

If it still doesn't work, please contact Customer Service on 0800 0560 or chat. This because we are not available on the Community in the weekend and I can imagine that you want to resolve this as soon as possible.

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No, I still cannot make a call. Also, when I click on the link you've posted, I get redirected to "Mijn Prepaid" section, and nothing happens

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Hi @Nightwayfarer23 

Hmm, weird that you still can't call this specific 0900-number. You still got the same voice message that the number doesn't exist? Normally this isn't the notification you get when 0900-numbers are blocked. 

I also asked one of my colleagues to check if the service numbers are also unblocked in our underlying system. The service numbers are unblocked. In your first message you mentioned that you can't call a specific 0900-number. May I ask what specific number it is? And can you also try to call another 0900- number to doublecheck? For example, is it possible to call 0900-1884? This is the number of the Ziggo Customer Service, but in this case an easy number to test. Please let me know if that's possible and if not, which notification you get. 

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