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Switching to post paid account

I am using Vodafone prepaid and I would like to switch to one of the post paid options, but keep my sim card.
Is this possible without visiting Vodafone store?

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Hi mia5kovic and Energieboy

When you switch from prepaid to postpaid, it is not possible to keep your prepaid sim card.
This is because postpaid sim card have extra options like calling over Wi-FI/4G, a different My Vodafone with extra options etc
This is why you need to change sim cards.
If you still have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

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Hi mia5kovic
Welcome to the customers helps Vodafone's community.

I do not know if it is possible to keep your prepaid SIM card. Normally you will also receive a new SIM card with a new subscription. The best thing you can do is contact Vodafone customer service and ask them what they can do for you.

You can immediately arrange your subscription and then you do not have to go to a Vodafone store.
Good luck!
Oud Community Moderator
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Hi mia5kovic and Energieboy

When you switch from prepaid to postpaid, it is not possible to keep your prepaid sim card.
This is because postpaid sim card have extra options like calling over Wi-FI/4G, a different My Vodafone with extra options etc
This is why you need to change sim cards.
If you still have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
Oud Community Moderator
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