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Dear vodafone. I did very stupid thing - never ever did such a stupid things in my life - entered mob num and said OK on 0709 number ( yes yes- gratis to get two ns tickets) after first sms I realized that I did stupid thing and its spam and blocked the number, before received 3 msg. Now I see that I have 15.5 euro buiten bundel for 5 sms , but I did not have 5 msg ! Agree, 15 euro as a price for stupidity is OK, but I am affraid that I can get more. What I have to do to stop this ? Or to block the number is enough? Please help! Thanks. I have iPhone 5
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You have to go to www.payinfo.nl. log in with your mobile nummer and search for the number you are asigned too and turn it off. You can also block it.
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Thank you, Steven! I blocked for all !:-) relief now !:)
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You're welcome, glad I could help ????
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