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Question about the "online rekening hoofdgebruiker"


I currently have 3 numbers and I understand that my online bill is visibile only for the main one ( hoofdgebruiker ) as I get the following message when I log-in with the other numbers : De online rekening is alleen zichtbaar voor de hoofdgebruiker van deze groep, met telefoonnummer.

Next month I will cancel the abbonment for my "hoofdgebruiker" number ( but keep the other two ) as I get a new company phone.

The question is : how do I see my private online rekening ? Does one of the othe 2 numbers automatically become hoofdgebruiker ? Or do I have to trigger the change ?

Basically I don't want to loose the ability to get my on-line rekening ...

Thanks in advance !

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Oud Community Moderator
Oud Community Moderator
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Hi @dcg69

Are all numbers business phones? And do they have the same customer number? If they have different customer numbers you'll have to make a seperate My Vodafone account for each number.
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Hello Maartje,

thanks for your answer.
The question is about my two private phones and they are under the same customer number.
If I understand it correctly, there will always be a "hoofdgebruiker" to view my on-line bill ; is it correct ?

Oud Community Moderator
Oud Community Moderator
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No, your private phones will not be visible in your "My Vodafone Zakelijk" account because that account is only for your business phone. You'll need to make a seperate My Vodafone "privé" account (click here) for your private numbers. You can see your online bills in this private account. 😄
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