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Poor Communication of data Usages outside EU.

this is not really a question but rather a complaint to you Vodafone. as a customer of 9 years with you, i would expect a better understanding and ability to be helpful with your clients. please be much clearer with the fact that certain countries are outside EU and others are not and can be used within the EU and my bundle. through this poor communication by your "text messages" in which they do not differ that much from within bundle to outside bundle, i have incurred a €3500 bill, and your customer support team refuses to understand a mistake because this is not a normal cost to incur. i will pay for my costs, even though this has happened once and your whole team refuses to accept this, however i hope that in the future you can identify the differences for other customers so something like this does not happen.

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Hi @Maximillian31! 
Welcome to the Customer Helping Customer Community of Vodafone.

Obviously a very annoying story, what I read now. I don't work at Vodafone, so I can't help you. Understand from your message that you have already been in contact with Vodafone and that you only want to submit your complaint here. I don't know if you have contacted Vodafone via the complaint form? If not, you could try again via this form to see if Vodafone can still do something for you.

The annoying thing is that they will point out the possibility to limit high costs by turning on Blox limited Internet. With BloX Limited Internet you avoid those extra costs. The BloX lowers your internet speed in the Netherlands and the EU so that you have free internet. The Fair Use Policy page states how much data you may use abroad from your databundel. And there is a page with information about using your bundle when you are on vacation. Annoying, but it is clear to Vodafone which countries are connected in order to use Vodafone. Actually, that last page says everything about the use of your mobile within the Netherlands, the EU and outside the EU.

Anyway, I don't work at Vodafone, I'm just trying to explain a bit. Of course it is annoying to have to pay such a high amount. That is why I really refer you to the complaint form to submit a complaint there and clearly explain what the problem is and that you did not incur these costs on purpose. I hope you get a message back from that department with better news. Anyway good luck, I hope you can work it out with Vodafone.

If the text is not clear, apologies. I wrote this with google translate. 🙄

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@Energieboy many thanks for Reaching out, i do appreciate it. i will follow the link you have suggested. it is a bit annoying that certain things are not as clear as i would have liked, and that is my biggest issue.

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