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Overige kosten?


I started my Ziggo+Vodafone(sim only) subscription last September via your website. During signing up, I clearly checked that it said "Connection costs€25.00, Your discount€-25.00, One-time€0.00". (Even now, it's the same. Please refer to the attached)

But according to the invoice that I got just now, I have to pay 25 euros for 'one-time cost'. I don't understand why I was charged of this. 

Please let me know the method to be released from this. Thank you. 


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Hi @bineyjel

I would love to help you with this matter. According to your attachement you shouldn't be charged with the amount of € 25,- (connection costs). When I check your invoice, this is been charged. 


I'm so sorry for this! I just created a reimbursement. The amount will be settled with the next invoice.

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Hi @bineyjel

I would love to help you with this matter. According to your attachement you shouldn't be charged with the amount of € 25,- (connection costs). When I check your invoice, this is been charged. 


I'm so sorry for this! I just created a reimbursement. The amount will be settled with the next invoice.

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