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No SMS Arrives from Hungarian Numbers

I do not get the very important SMS messages from my Hungarian bank and cannot use my account. Checked from different Hungarian numbers to different Dutch Vodafone mobile numbers, no message arrives!

Already contacted Customer Service on 28 August, the answer was unacceptable, they said contact my foreign provider. I am a Vodafone NL customer for about 18 years!!!!!! 2 September again reached Customer Service, reached a nice person who made a case again but then the possible answer can be expected within 5-10 work days!!! 

Why did I not get the same answer on 28 August from Customer Service than on 2 September? It could have saved me 5 days! Can I make Vodafone pay for my late payments becasue of their network/technical issues and not supportive or not knowledgable Customer Service? 

I did read about the same problem on this forum but obviously nothing happened since then and I could not find back those posts, though they even mentioned the same date, 22 June 2020 when the system still worked for me as well.

Can you advise me what can be done and urgently? I look forward to receiving your answer a.s.a.p!


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Hi @Pearli 


I can imagine it is quite annoying that messages do not arrive from Hungary. 
Why the first colleague did not immediately create an investigation, I will have to leave open. This is because we cannot view conversations from here. On behalf of Vodafone I apologize for this.

There can be several reasons why a message is not delivered. The first colleague indicates that the person who sends an SMS must check this with her / his provider. This is correct. However, this colleague could also have created a survey with the dates and times when the text messages were sent.
As soon as an investigation has been created, the technical service will start working on it. An investigation can take 5 to 10 business days (depending on the issue) but can also take longer. In this case, I advise you to wait for the investigation.

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Hi @Pearli 


I can imagine it is quite annoying that messages do not arrive from Hungary. 
Why the first colleague did not immediately create an investigation, I will have to leave open. This is because we cannot view conversations from here. On behalf of Vodafone I apologize for this.

There can be several reasons why a message is not delivered. The first colleague indicates that the person who sends an SMS must check this with her / his provider. This is correct. However, this colleague could also have created a survey with the dates and times when the text messages were sent.
As soon as an investigation has been created, the technical service will start working on it. An investigation can take 5 to 10 business days (depending on the issue) but can also take longer. In this case, I advise you to wait for the investigation.

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Thank you very much Steven, I do hope the investigation is going on at the moment and that I will have an explanantion, more importantly a solution very soon. Will keep the Forum posted.

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