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Making/receiving phone calls in the US

Good morning!

Going to the US and want to make sure i am able to make and receive phone calls. Last time i was there i wasnt able to do it. I could send/receive sms's but it was impossible to call. I did activate the roaming and registered in the available mobile network but didnt seem to make any difference. I am not aware of having any international block or anything like that.
What do i have to do to make sure i can call? I use a S3 and a vodafone contract.

Many thanks in advance for your advise

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Did you use international numbering format? For example:
+1-541-754-3010 (US number)
+31-6-1234-5678 (Dutch number)

If you did, you should contact customer support directly to check if your account is barred from international calling or to check if there's another problem with the account.
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