Hello, Judith! Sorry for the late reply.
I have indeed decided to stay for a while more, but I was hoping you could help me with something in that regard: I am currently not in the Netherlands, so I would like to pay for a monthly bundle that I could use and worked in the UK as well, so that on the time before I go back, I can keep using my data and communicate.

I think these are the monthly bundles offered by Vodafone (As in, they last a month and then I have to renew them, but I am not in a 1 year subscription) and I wanted to know if one, or all, an be used in the UK without additional charge. In case it isn't, I cannot find the subscription I am currently using, which according to what I understood, is viable in the uk and at the same time, is a monthly subscription. Is there a way for me to keep it?
As my contract is terminated on the 1st of December, I would be thankful for any advice you could give me 🙂
thank you,
Joaquin Farina