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Re: Official response Onopgelost

Perfect, I have done the bank transfer while specifying my phone and customer number. Please let me know if everything is ok in your end, since I can provide the invoice if you need it. I hope you hav...

Re: Official response Onopgelost

Alright, so once I make the bank transfer and pay the remaining amount, will my number be activated again, and I can use my credit and mobile data?

Re: Official response Onopgelost

Sorry for the late reply I want to pay the amount due, but the amount that appears in my vodafone is of 111 euros. I had already payed some of it as an additional in my august invoice, and when I cont...

Re: Official response Onopgelost

Sorry for the late reply, I am in a different time zone. When the investigation started, I received a mail like this, with the subject being "Case Created Email"I was wondering if I can get anything l...

Re: Official response Onopgelost

Thanks for the reply. At the time of the charge, I was not on boat, or plane, I was just in Tilburg. What I wanted to ask, however, is that if the investigation is effectively concluded, can I get a m...

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