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I cannot register for My Vodafone


First I have a complaint that the website is not available in English.

My main issue is that I am trying to register my phone number for My Vodafone but it does not work.
I enter all data correctly... My phone number, first & last name, my email, my password and the SMS code but it the website keeps loading at Bezig met verzenden ...and nothing happens.

I tried different browsers & different internet connections and different computers or devices and it is always the same.

I am outside Holland and I need access to My Vodafone Topup my balance since roaming no longer works.

I hope I can get some help soon.

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Gedreven Ontdekker
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I am having the same trouble but they did say that the website was undergoing maintenance this weekend so i assume that is still the issue.

Gedreven Ontdekker
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Me again... Work on website is ongoing until 10 am tomorrow. https://www.vodafone.nl/support/prepaid/opwaarderen/
Niet van toepassing
On thuis moment they are werking in the systems. This is why you cannot create a my vodafone page.
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