Bogdan Gabriel

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How is possible to pay for something that i didint take from Vodafone

I want to know how is possible to pay for something that i didint take from Vodafone because i get an text message on my phone number that i must pay 70 € or something like that for my abonnementen but i didint get the phone and the sim card
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Hi Bogdan Gabriel Dinu

Welcome to the community.

I can inmagine you would like to know, why you already tot an invoice and why you didnt recieve the phone yet.
Through the community I don't have the possibillity to go into the systems, because of privacy reasons. Could you call 0800-0094 or 1201 so that we can assist you further with this?
Bogdan Gabriel
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Beste klant, we willen je eraan herinneren dat je rekening nog niet betaald is. Dus zorg dat je betaling van EUR 81.22 voor 06-09-2018 is bijgeschreven op NL08DEUT0265121809 t.n.v. Vodafone o.v.v. je mobiele nummer. Of betaal direct met iDEAL via of via de app i get this text message and i didint take nothing from Vodafone how is possible
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