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Eenmalige kosten with subscription renewal - new device


I have checked forum and have not found clear answer, so sorry if I have missed something and asking for something that has already been answered.

I have just made renewal of my subscription with new device. New subscription will start in 4 months, I will receive new device in next days. But i do not know when i will have to pay Eenmalige kosten for new device. I will pay for device monthly, but i have to pay part on hand.

Will this be charged:
1) by courier at moment I will receive new device
2) from next invoice I will receive
3) from 1st invoice of new subscription
4) extra invoice (can i see it somewhere?)

Thank you for answer.
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I see that no one answered your questions yet.
If you already have an subscription, the payment will be on the next invoice. If not, you have to pay it directly.
My colleagues from the customer service can check for you when you recieve the 1st or next invoice. ( You can contact my collegues through 1201 or 0800-0094
You can see all the invoices in my Vodafone. Through the app and website
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