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Contract IBAN number change

This line and subscription was a gift from my ex husband and that’s why his IBan address is in our contract. After our divorce he decided decline the payments via his bank whic I don’t understand. He asked me full payment of this subscription and I have paid him in cash during our divorce. I am really not able to understand what is going to happen now.

Due to pending payments I think my line is blocked and I am not able to receive SMS codes

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Hi @Aydnozlys, welcome here!

I'm sorry to read that your marriage didn't work out and your subscription is probably blocked. I can imagine that you want to solve this so you can be reached again on your phone. You don't completed your community profile with your personal information, so I could not check if your line is blocked. Do you have acces to your My Vodafone account? If yes, then you can check if there's an outstanding balance. 

Also it's important to check if this subscription is in your name or in your ex-partner his name. Is the contract in your ex's name? Then a transfer of contract is necessary. More information about this you can find here. If the contract is in your name, then you can change the IBAN accountnumber in My Vodafone. The person in which's name the contract is, is responsible for the subscription and payments.

Do you need more information or do you have other questions? Please call customer service on 0800-0094 or chat.

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