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Changing prepaid bundles

Hi ! ?

I currently have a 1 GB prepaid bundle with Vodafone (which renews on the 20th of each month) but when I started it, the store worker doubled it to 2 GB because my household has Ziggo internet.

I am leaving the Netherlands on June 5th to go back home. So I am thinking I will change my bundle from the 1GB to the 500 MB. Is there anyway to double this one as well?! ?

Proost ?

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I dont know who told u, ur data gets doubled with prepaid if u got Ziggo, but that information is not true.

U can check here all bundels u can get with Prepaid: https://mobiel.vodafone.nl/prepaid

It dont mather if u got ziggo or not, ur data will not be doubled.

Also u dont need to buy a bundle if u go back home, u can keep the simcard active by using it once per 6 months, that means 1 call, sms or internet session is enough to keep the simcard active, top-up is also valid

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Hi @specific amount of money 
Welcome to the customers help customers Community of Vodafone.

What a pity that you are leaving the Netherlands and understand that you still want to keep your subscription but that you want to lower it. As long as you are a Ziggo and Vodafone customer, you will receive double data. When you leave the Netherlands, you are no longer a Ziggo customer and you will no longer receive a double date and / or discount. Keep that in mind!

You can of course lower your subscription, this will cost you one time € 25 and you can find this information on this page: https://www.vodafone.nl/support/abonnement-en-rekening/wijzigen.shtml (I just think, you are now also in a Smart subscription. So lowering it won't cost you anything, according to Vodafone's website.)

However, you are talking about a 500MB subscription, there is not. Vodafone starts with Smart M and that is, without Ziggo, 1GB. See all Vodafone plans on this page: https://www.vodafone.nl/shop/mobiel/abonnement/red61-start-m/2-jaar/false/

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. Sorry if my english is not quite right, I used Google 

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Energieboy wrote:

Hi @specific amount of money 
Welcome to the customers help customers Community of Vodafone.

What a pity that you are leaving the Netherlands and understand that you still want to keep your subscription but that you want to lower it. As long as you are a Ziggo and Vodafone customer, you will receive double data. When you leave the Netherlands, you are no longer a Ziggo customer and you will no longer receive a double date and / or discount. Keep that in mind!

You can of course lower your subscription, this will cost you one time € 25 and you can find this information on this page: https://www.vodafone.nl/support/abonnement-en-rekening/wijzigen.shtml (I just think, you are now also in a Smart subscription. So lowering it won't cost you anything, according to Vodafone's website.)

However, you are talking about a 500MB subscription, there is not. Vodafone starts with Smart M and that is, without Ziggo, 1GB. See all Vodafone plans on this page: https://www.vodafone.nl/shop/mobiel/abonnement/red61-start-m/2-jaar/false/

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. Sorry if my english is not quite right, I used Google 


I am speaking about prepaid bundles by the way!


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I dont know who told u, ur data gets doubled with prepaid if u got Ziggo, but that information is not true.

U can check here all bundels u can get with Prepaid: https://mobiel.vodafone.nl/prepaid

It dont mather if u got ziggo or not, ur data will not be doubled.

Also u dont need to buy a bundle if u go back home, u can keep the simcard active by using it once per 6 months, that means 1 call, sms or internet session is enough to keep the simcard active, top-up is also valid

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specific amount of money wrote:


I am speaking about prepaid bundles by the way!

Oops, I see that part of my message has not been posted. A bit strange, but then I'll put it briefly. Someone else has already written it and then it is double. I keep ik short 

I had also written that prepaid never has double data, even if you have Ziggo. So that wouldn't work, only if you have a subscription, and then the rest of my explanation came, what you see. 

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