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5G coverage of Vodafone - fake service?

Two months ago I purchased the Red Unlimited of Vodafone to be used in Zyxel 5G router for data only. Since then I keep struggling with the speed of 5G network, and with the coverage. I use it in different locations in Amstelveen, and speed never went above 80Mbps. I was blaming my router, but used Vodafone in Samsung S20 and brand new S21 with the same result. Changed several SIM cards and e-sim, and speed is still low. Most of the times I see that only 4G is available. Based on recommendation of the Service, I went today to the Vodafone shop, but they could not test it, because..... there is no 5G coverage at the center of Amstelveen. 
From one of support agents I also learned that the "real" 5G will be only available next year, and right now there is an issue with frequencies, so we may not expect even close to promoted 1Gbps.

So, my simple question is this: is it not the fake service? I purchased the 5G, which in reality does not exist. 


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Our website clearly explains the current 5g network that we offer. 5G provides a better user experience by improving response time and download speed. The speeds that you actually experience as a user depend on various factors such as network congestion, location, range and the specific phone. The response time (so-called latency) will improve by about 30%: from an average of around 30 milliseconds on 4G to below 20 milliseconds on 5G. The download speeds that 5G can offer in this existing spectrum can reach a maximum of 1Gbps, which is well above the maximum 350 Mbps of current 4G subscriptions. In the beginning, in practice this data rate will be on average ten percent higher. You could have read this before you took out the subscription. I can't help you with this via the community because An investigation must be created for this. You can do this by going through the Network check. At the end of the Network check, you can create a survey for my colleagues. From here I do not have the option to cancel a subscription. If you do not agree, you can submit a complaint via

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Hi @armit 

Fake or not?
That's a very good question. Anyone who has delved into the mobile network a bit knows that the real 5G is not yet available to the mobile providers at all. There will probably only be an auction for this at the end of 2021 and early 2022, and only then will it be possible to really broadcast 5G.

I think, but I’m not 100% sure, Vodafone does not make a firm promise that they use the real 5G but a double bundle of 4G (+) and then on the spot indicated on the network card of Vodafone. In addition, you must also have a device that has been approved by Vodafone to use it.

Google 5G and you can find a lot of informafion about it (this site will tell you all about it, near 5G-veiling - it is in Dutch). But it is true that the real 5G frequencies are not yet online. With no provider.

I think that a Vodafone employee can help you with more information, and the good one. 

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Dear Energieboy, thank you for your reply.

Firstly, unfortunately I did not witness too much professionalism of many Vodafone employees (and I dealt with at least 10 of them). With a few rare exceptions, most of them have not much clue, and give contradicting suggestions. My visit to the Vodafone store in Amstelveen was really exceptional. It ended with the conclusion "this should work now, but we cannot tested because we have no 5G coverage, but if it will not work, then the problem is with your phone".

We get now to your second point of approved devices. I have Samsung S20, three days old S21, and Zyxel  5G router. At least first two are approved, don't they?

Lastly, to your general point of 5G. You seem to be very knowledgeable expect of the mobile networking. I am not like this - I am just a typical consumer, who "swallowed" massive promotion of Vodafone and others, and purchased equipment plus servises to be ready for the "future" ))) . And I feel cheated now.

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Hi @armit 

I understand your last point. Not everyone knows everything about how the mobile network works and if you receive advice in a shop, you can assume that it is correct. I wasn't there for the interview, so I can't comment on that.

With the S21 you should be able to use 5G, because it is made for that. The S20 you may have a 4G version, not 5G. So I don't dare to say an your S20, you will have to look at that yourself. But the S21 should just do it. And whether the router works, I really don't know, I can't give you any information about that.

I would go back to the store and file my complaint and ask what they can do. I can't really give you any advice on what you have to do. There are Vodafone employees online on the community but I don't think they can do much for you either. You actually have a dispute with the store and then I would resolve it there.

I totally understand you. If you are not informed and you get to read and hear a nice story, then you take it. Sorry I can't do much for you, I don't work at Vodafone. You really have to work it out with them. If you are still within the 14-day cooling-off period, you can always cancel your subscription.

Sorry for bad English, I have use Google Translate 😉

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Unfortunately, 14 days are over, I am now into 2nd months of this useless for me "service". My old T-Mobile gives me the same 4G coverage. 

I must add this: when I left Vodafone winkel in Amstelveen yesterday, in about 300 meters from it I saw the 5G on my screen, and the speed went up to 300 Mbps. but this 5G spot was so small, that I lost it almost immediately. Yet, this shows that there is nothing wrong with my device, and the issue is with the coverage.

I am confident that Vodafone and others rushed to offer the service which is not ready yet. Of course they invested money into this infrastructure and want to have quick return on investment, but why shall WE pay for it?

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Hi Armit,
Welcome to the community of Vodafone! I can inmagine that you want to use 5G on your Samsung phone. 

Our 5G network can be used almost everywhere in the Netherlands. Your 5G device automatically connects to 5G. And if that doesn't work for a while, there is always our powerful 4G network. Curious about the 5G coverage in your area? You can check this link to see where you can use 5G. We are therefore still working to expand our network. If you experience problems with the network, I advise you to go through the Network check. An investigation must be created for this. You can do this by going through the Network check. At the end of the Network check, you can create a survey for my colleagues. From here I do not have the option to cancel a subscription. My colleagues will check for you what causes problems with the network and whether this can be solved. Keep in mind that the coverage depends on various factors such as: the environment, where are the network poles, etc.

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Dear Stefen, thank you for your reply. Of course I understand that, being an employee of Vodafone, you are getting  paid for the politically correct defense of the Vodafone business. Nothing wrong with this, but lets look into the reality.

Firstly, Vodafone promotes 5G as "...s 5G nog tientallen keren sneller dan 4G. Het downloaden van muziek en films met 5G-snelheid is straks een kwestie van seconden."   However, NOW I know that the "real" 5G will be available only next year. Without stepping to the discussion of technical reasons behind it, from my perspective this is the first and obvious fact of the "fake" service, provided by Vodafone. Basically, at this stage real 5G simply does not exist.
Instead, you are providing "sort of 5G", which in a good day with the help of wind and rain may give up to 300Mbps. However, even this poor service is not widely available, as you are trying to describe here. Again - it is NOT even available in the center of Amstelveen, at the location of Vodafone winkel. Also not at two other locations of my office and home.

And your reference to 4G is a) irrelevant to this conversation about the 5G, and b)  demonstrates that you are aware about the obvious  issue of the coverage.

To summarize: I purchased service, that is not available as promoted. I am sure Vodafone had bunch of lawyers sitting day and night to find proper "small letters", but this is not what customers need. I pay for speed, not for next year promises and political correctness.

Bottom line: I disagree to pay for the service, that is not provided. Looking for Vodafone to cancel my subscription, and re-pay my money.

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Our website clearly explains the current 5g network that we offer. 5G provides a better user experience by improving response time and download speed. The speeds that you actually experience as a user depend on various factors such as network congestion, location, range and the specific phone. The response time (so-called latency) will improve by about 30%: from an average of around 30 milliseconds on 4G to below 20 milliseconds on 5G. The download speeds that 5G can offer in this existing spectrum can reach a maximum of 1Gbps, which is well above the maximum 350 Mbps of current 4G subscriptions. In the beginning, in practice this data rate will be on average ten percent higher. You could have read this before you took out the subscription. I can't help you with this via the community because An investigation must be created for this. You can do this by going through the Network check. At the end of the Network check, you can create a survey for my colleagues. From here I do not have the option to cancel a subscription. If you do not agree, you can submit a complaint via

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I already spoke with your colleague, who agreed with me 100%. He promised to start internal escalation. 

In terms of  "Clearly explaining", can you please help us to understand where and how clear this explanation is. And as for your statement "The download speeds that 5G can offer in this existing spectrum can reach a maximum of 1Gbps" ... hmmmmm... do you realize that this kind of statement may be turned against the Vodafone, since this is not true at the moment? 

BTWay: This is what your promo says: "Ons 5G-netwerk is in vrijwel heel Nederland beschikbaar."  Vriijwel..???


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The download speeds that 5G can offer in this existing spectrum can reach a maximum of 1Gbps, which is well above the maximum 350 Mbps of current 4G subscriptions. In the beginning, in practice this data rate will be on average ten percent higher. 


In other words: at the moment you will not yet achieve 1Gpbs but  on average 10 percent higher than the speed of the current 4g network @armit 



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Not sure, what your reply means, Steven. But it does not really matter. One of your colleagues clearly explained me the situation with 5G frequencies, and with the action, that will take place only next year. Only then the "real"  5G will be available. I assume, as an employee of Vodafone, you are aware about this.

Another employee of Vodafone from the A'veen winkel told me that the coverage of the "so called" Vodafone 5g is simply not good. You may call that Winkel and check, whether or not they have 5G reception.

Again, I understand your role and your position, but please be honest here. No small lawyer letters a.u.b. 

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I'm honest with you. That is also the reason why I explain to you why you will not achieve 1Gpbs yet. In the course of next year and the year after, the 5G frequencies will be auctioned with which you can achieve 1Gpbs. But even if this is also literally on our website (not in the small rules in the conditions). I tell you the same thing as my colleagues, just in different words @armit 

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Thanks again, Steven. To summarize long exchange of messages, we have got to this point:
1. At this stage 5G provides 110% speed of the regular 4G . Chances high that this will change next year. Practically speaking, there is hardly any difference between 4 and 5G.
2. Coverage of (1) at least in Amstelveen is not satisfactory. My tests show that three essential for me locations (home, office, city center) are not covered.
Of course this is more than enough to stop the subscription. 

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I advise you to go through the Network check. An investigation must be created for this. You can do this by going through the network check. At the end of the Network check, you can create a survey for my colleagues. My colleagues will check for you what causes problems with the network and whether this can be solved. Keep in mind that the coverage depends on various factors such as: the environment, where are the network poles, etc.
You can submit a complaint via  I can't help you with this via the community because through here I cannot cancel a subscription @armit 

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Steven, I am not getting paid by Vodafone; just opposite: I pay TO Vodafone, and doing all these investigations takes time. I will be expecting Vodafone to stop my contract, as simple as that. If administration will disagree, I know where and hoв report this case as misleading advertising of services. One good thing about having European Commission is that they are pretty helpful in investigating this sort of situations.

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I already explained to you what you can do. Through the community I cannot help you further with this matter @armit.  You can create an investigation. If the network is that bad, my colleuges can check what is going on and check if there is an solution. If not, it is up to them to check the possibilities for canceling your contract. This is not something I can do for you. 

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Sure, you did your best.  Yet, I have my way of doing things. Even thought IMHO you could help, just like sometimes you help others, I did not expect it. My intention is to share my (unfortunately, bad) experience with others here. In a couple of days I will check if Vodafone is ready to cancel my subscription. If not... well...I then know what to do ) 

Thanks for sharing your opinion, and giving recommendations. 

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