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I moved out of the Netherlands (outside EU) on 30 Sep 2020 and have notified Vodafone 2 times by -mail and once by written letter and sent it by regular post. All confirmations of receipt are attached (with the date). 
I have not used my phone after 30 Sep. Therefore, I will not pay other than the €10.47 which are over consumption costs till Sep 30th.

I have visited your branches several times to do this and called many times, with no clear response. You can check your history of ‘recorded calls’ for this as well. If needed I can send you proof from the Gemeente that I left the country!


I have no idea why you did not cut the line till now.!

** Pictures with NAW information removed by moderator - privacy **



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Welcome to the Vodafone Community. 

I'm sorry for the inconveniece. We received your request to cancel your subscription on the enddate of your contract. Currently your subscription will be cancelled on 5 August 2021. This is the end date of your subscription. We can cancel your contract immediately, however a binding fee will be calculated. Even when you are moving abroad you still have a binding period. So you always will pay to the end date of your contract or you can cancel it immediately and pay the binding fee. 



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Welcome to the Vodafone Community. 

I'm sorry for the inconveniece. We received your request to cancel your subscription on the enddate of your contract. Currently your subscription will be cancelled on 5 August 2021. This is the end date of your subscription. We can cancel your contract immediately, however a binding fee will be calculated. Even when you are moving abroad you still have a binding period. So you always will pay to the end date of your contract or you can cancel it immediately and pay the binding fee. 



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