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Vodafone Subscription through coolblue ( )

Why are there different conditions to subscribe to Vodafone through compared to a vodafone store?
I tried to buy a phone with a Vodafone subscription and they told me that I can not order a subscription without a residence permit, because you(Vodafone) require one, but I know I don't need a residence permit if I subscribe in a Vodafone Shop(there's no Vodafone Shop in Wageningen where I live).
I am from Romania, so EU citizen, and I don't need a residence permit to live in the Netherlands, unless I want to subscribe to Vodafone through Cool Blue apparently...
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Hi Andrei,

I understand that this is very weird but unfortunately I can't answer this question for you. It is possible that CoolBlue has its own terms and conditions to get a subscription. If you want to get a subscription via Vodafone you don't need a residence permit because a EU/EER Passport will be sufficient, though you do need a Dutch banking account number.
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