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Unlock Vodafone RED

I have a Vodafone RED subscription with phone.

I need to unlock the phone but everytimne I goto

I get
Het verzoek kan helaas niet worden uitgevoerd.
Probeer het later opnieuw.
After I enter my imei and click Volgende.

Is it a problem with application or is the Unlock option "Locked" to me?


*moderator edit: Subject changed from 'Unlock Vadafone RED' to' Unlock Vodafone RED'.
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Oud Community Moderator
Oud Community Moderator
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Hello @janjos1962,

When you buy a Vodafone Red subscription combined with a phone, the phone is usually already unlocked. Or is it a Vodafone prepaid phone and do you try to use a subscription SIM card?
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