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Prepaid terms

Hello ,

I am living in Israel and intend to visit Holland in August. A friend purchased for me a Vodafone prepaid SIM for 15 euro and brought to me, I have a few questions regarding the SIM:
1. Does the SIM includes a data . From what I read on Vodafone site using Google Translate it should include 1 GB but I amnot sure
2. Does it has credit for calls and SMS
3. Is it possible to register to MyVodafone from Israel.

You answers will be appreciated,

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Oud Community Moderator
Oud Community Moderator
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Hello Shaul, if your friend has bought a Prepaid SmartPhone Sim for you it has indeed a 1GB Internet BloX. This BloX is valid for 1 month. There's also €5 credit which you can use for making phonecalls or sms.
You can register after you made your first call in the Netherlands. You simcard will then be activated on our network. Registration has to be on a Dutch adress. Maybe you can ask your friend if you can use his adress. After registration and your first top-up you receive another €5 credit.

We're looking forward to welcome you on our network next month!

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Oud Community Moderator
Oud Community Moderator
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Hello Shaul, if your friend has bought a Prepaid SmartPhone Sim for you it has indeed a 1GB Internet BloX. This BloX is valid for 1 month. There's also €5 credit which you can use for making phonecalls or sms.
You can register after you made your first call in the Netherlands. You simcard will then be activated on our network. Registration has to be on a Dutch adress. Maybe you can ask your friend if you can use his adress. After registration and your first top-up you receive another €5 credit.

We're looking forward to welcome you on our network next month!
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