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Canceled order with contract and nummerbehoud

Hello, I made an order at Vodafone 2 weeks ago (11.11), on 14.11 I canceled it for personal reasons (the order was appearing in status as waiting for number portability acceptance from current provider).

On 15.11 the order appeared as ready, with number portated to Vodafone even though I canceled one day earlier.

Now no other mobile provider can port my number from current provider because it is still considered by the system as being ported to Vodafone. Current provider tells that they cannot accept another port until Vodafone cancels the porting also.

At the same time the status of the order remains the same, ready to ship.

Please help, in one month my contract with current provider expires and I do not want to lose my number.
2 Reacties 2
Niet van toepassing
The only thing what you can do is contact the customer service and explain the situation to them. Unfortunately we can't help you with this trough the forum. This is because we can't go in to the systems here.
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