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Apple Watch GSM support



I'm a happy Vodafone customer. Two weeks ago my wife gifted me Apple Watch GSM version to support my marathon training. I have another Apple Watch regular version, without GSM. I run 4 times per week I don't like to run with my phone for many reasons. She specifically bought this model because I got lost in the forest many times and I am running 20 + kms per round and she is concerning about emergency situations. I tried to activate GSM option on my watch but I realised that Vodafone NL doesn't support this feature where Vodafone DE supports. It is a bit disappointment because this feature is vital for some people like me and I observed there are many threads and people are complaining like me in the forum but there is no progress. Unfortunately I cannot change my subscription to another provider because I have some commitments. I also tried to buy another number for only watch but this is also not an option.


I hope Vodafone would act and support this feature and help people to live healthy and safe, I believe this should be important for Vodafone.

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Hi @kahvecanavari
Welcome to the Vodafone Community. 

What a lovely gift you got from your wife! We know that a lot of people would be interested when Vodafone will support the Apple Watch. We already passed on this request multiple times, so hopefully we will support this feature in the future. However, currently this statement still applies: 

Vodafone supports all smartwatches that have an eSIM and comply with the GSMA Consumer Model. Apple Watch's eSIM implementation requires additional functionality to the GSMA Consumer Model. Other operators may already offer eSIM support for the Apple Watch, as they have already implemented this functionality. These operators are at the forefront of eSIM development. It is not yet known when we will support the Apple Watch.

Roland L

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Beste Cecilia,


dank voor je heldere uitleg. (Ik kan overigens niet zien van wanneer die dateert…). Hoe dan ook. Ik was inmiddels al meer dan 15 jaar trouwe klant van Vodafone, samen met mijn 5 koppige gezin. De jongste is inmiddels ook al 18 en ieder van ons draagt een applewatch.  Aanvankelijke geduldig, maar inmiddels gefrustreerd ongeduldig , wachten we al heel erg lang op de nodeloos lang uitblijvende beslissing van Vodafone om de esim voor Applewatch te faciliteren. Het is inmiddels genant dat Vodafone zich zolang in de achterhoede schuil houdt. Inmiddels ben ik  (en mijn vrouw en kids) er wel klaar mee en valt het besluit om weg te gaan bij Vodafone. In deze snel ontwikkelende hightech wereld is stilstand achteruitgang en Vodafone toont zich een wel erg standvastige stilstaander. Uitermate teleurstellend, maar kennelijk is men ongevoelig voor kreten om vooruitgang. Bye bye Vodafone. Welcome KPN of  T-mobile.



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