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status of the order #458757461

Could you let me know the status of my order #458757461?

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Dear Vodafone support, A bit of additional comments. This is a sim-only subscription order whereby the same number is expetected to be taken over from vodafone prepaid. But somehow order was canceled. I chatted with Vodafone support, they said it's fixed and sim will be sent to my home. But I don't have any update. That's why I ask this question here.

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Hi @Chizu, goodmorning!

I've some bad news. This order of 25 February is still been cancelled and you also get a confirmation about this by e-mail. Normally you should get a new order number if the order is been fixed, because they need to place a new order. I can't find a new order number. Please call the department 'Status Order' for more information and help: 0800-0560. 

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