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Wanneer verloopt mijn sim-kaart?

I had a contract and then changed to prepaid in June 2014. I had to buy another sim-kaart to make the prepaid work. Everyhting was ok for some time. After few months my sim-kaart stop working. Myvodafone account stop working too. I cannnot get credit or use the number anymore. I dont have access to vodafone support anymore. I want to keep this number. What is the way to get the nummer active again?
1 Reactie 1
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Probably you didn't have for a few months credit on your number, that's why they have closed your number.
It is probably not possible to get the same number back.
What you can do is go to a vodafone shop to check if it is possible or contact the customer service trough 0654500100

They are closed tomorrow but open on Monday again.

Kind regards,

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