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I need to activate my new SIM for the same number


I had a prepaid card since 2008, and I got a call from Vodafone about getting an abonament and a smartphone. The smartphone and the new SIM were delivered on the 14th, and my new SIM card was supposed to be activated on the 23rd. It didn't get activated.

I asked at a shop and they said that they can't help. In my situation cards are activated automatically.

I asked by email but it doesn't seem like the person who replied paid any attention to what I asked. He told me that there is no order connected to my phone number and that I should ask the order status department.

I tried the chat but I got no reply after the automatic message that I was speaking with Marc, and then there was a message on the website that the chat was busy.

I can't make a my vodafone account, but I get:
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What can I do?


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First of all, if it is a new sim for a new package, it will never be send activated.
You can contact customer support for this. They can activate the sim for you. Make sure you also have your customer number. You can find it on the contract, an invoice or in my vodafone. The customer service can also help you with activating a my vodafone account. The customer number starts with a 3 or a 5 and are 9 digits long.
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It was finally activated on Friday.

I knew that the SIM wouldn't come activated, but there was an activation date on the documents from Vodafone, and that was the 23rd.

They didn't need the customer number, they needed the SIM number (19 digits, starts with 89). They didn't explain what happened, they only said:
"Unfortunately the request to keep your number could not be processed. Because of that that request should be entered again."

They also didn't say why they couldn't find this information from the beginning. Either their dadabase is badly organised, or the staff doesn't know how to work with it.

And for making a my Vodafone account, I suspect the problem comes from the fact that they misspelled my name and selected the wrong gender. But even though it was corrected on the contract when I signed it, they don't seem interested in fixing it in their database, and customer support completely ignored my question about getting it fixed.
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Here on the forum I can't check what went wrong. This is because we can't go into the systems from here.
Regarding my vodafone, the customer service can delete your account and make a new one. They can also adept your name etc. Normally they should ask for the customer number.
If they said to fill in the form again to keep your number, I would do that if I where you. Just to make sure you can keep the number.

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The SIM card was activated with the same number.

While I am sure that they could change the name if they wanted to, I've has email contact with two people and both completely ignored my question about my details.
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I al sorry to here that they are ignoring your question. Unfortunately I can't do anything to chance it for you.
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At least my sim card is active.
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Good to hear that it is solved
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