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Having trouble to pay may debt internationally

hey there,


I have left The Netherlands about 6 months ago (I am currently in Brazil, I don't have any SEPA bank account), and I am aware I still have an outstanding payment with Vodafone.


I am however finding it very hard to understand how I am supposed to pay my debts, as I do not know the international details of Vodafone's bank account to make a transfer, and I am also in doubt about how much the debt is in total.


I am willing to pay as fast as possible, as I do not want to make Vodafone wait to get their payment properly.


I am sorry for taking too long to make the payment, I have tried to call Vodafone as well but for some reason, the phone number is not working for me.


Thanks for the attention and sorry once again,


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Hi @gusdors1
Welcome to the Vodafone Community 

Thankyou for reaching out to us about this matter. When you don't have a (foreign) SEPA account it is not possible to pay by direct debit. Another way to pay your invoices is by iDeal or creditcard in My Vodafone or to transfer the amount by yourself. The information about this you can find on this page. The international details to transfer the amount to Vodafone are: 

IBAN: NL93 INGB 0007 9398 33
BIC (Swiftcode): INGBNL2A
T.n.v. Vodafone Libertel B.V. te Maastricht

You can check your outstanding amount/invoices in My Vodafone. If you can't find it, please let me know and send me a private message with more information: 
Name contract:
Zipcode and housenumber:
Mobile number:
Birth of date: 

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