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Expiration of contract

Hello everyone, I made clear that I didn't want to extend my contract which was to end in october 2013. I am not living in the Netherlands anymore. Why am I charged for november and december of 2013? I want the contract to be expired as soon as possible. So I did fax, and send a form to Vodafone again that I don't want the subscription anymore.(cause they are not answering the phone all the time) But I am not getting any answer back.
What should I do? I am almost getting crazy. 40 euro each month is not a small amount and even more bigger when you are charged for nothing.Any help, advice will be appreciated and more than welcome. Thank you!
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Hi arashiyeah, I can understand that you don't want to pay for a subscription that you don't use anymore and cancelling a subscription for which the contract has already ended should not be a problem. The best thing is to call our customer service, or contact them via chat (via My colleagues can check for you wether the cancellation has already been received, and if not cancel your subscription manually.
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