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Delivery status

Hi! I ordered an iPhone 5s last Friday and i am aware that the order list must be huge so I understand there is a waiting period. I'm just curious is there a way to track my order? I will be out of the Netherlands in the UK for 2 weeks as of Monday 4th November so I won't be around to receive the delivery if it arrives during that time..

Thanks for your help, and apologies for having to type In English!

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Oud Community Moderator
Oud Community Moderator
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Haha, no problem, all Dutch speak (a measure of :P) English.

If you ordered online you should be able to track it via --> "Bekijk de status online"
If that doesn't work or if the fact it's in Dutch is a hurdle, there are also two phonenumbers on the page that you could call for more information!
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