
Gedreven Ontdekker
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Vodafone limits my internet bandwidth to 100 kbit/ps.


I have an unlimited plan, and I would say that I'm using your network a lot. And I was a happy user especially several months ago.
But last several months I face a strange issue.


From 5 to ~20 times a day Vodafone limits my bandwidth (speed) to 100 kbit/ps (not kbyte).
It's similar to the cases when your 10 GB or 2 GB limit ends, but that is not the case.
These days this speed is not enough to load a website, to use some messenger, to receive push notifications, actually nothing works.
To fix that, in my case, turning on airplane mode and turning it off fixes the problem until this can happen again in 5 minutes or 2 hours. But this can happen in the middle of a zoom call or other important stuff and always playing with airplane mode doesn't work for me.

I tried 3 different phones, tried to use only 4G or 5G - no difference.
Also, I believe there is no dependency on the geographical place. It happens in any room of my house as well as in the city center of The Hague.

This issue looks like Vodafone programmaticaly limits the speed, because it's stable 100 kbit/ps.
I used this tool http://startrinity.com/InternetQuality/ContinuousBandwidthTester.aspx#cli to monitor bandwidth and I want to share with you the logs (I will attach them).


Let me explain how to use those logs.

These logs are in .csv format.
It has next colums - Local time,Download (Rx) bandwidth (bps),Download bandwidth,Rx packet loss (percent),Upload (Tx) bandwidth (bps),Upload bandwidth,Tx packet loss (percent),RTT (ping) (ms),Rx packet loss burst length (packets),Tx packet loss burst length (packets),Rx instant jitter (ms),Tx instant jitter (ms),Rx RFC3550 jitter (ms),Tx RFC3550 jitter (ms)

But actually we are only interested on the third column - Download bandwidth.
I used 1Mbit download limit for tests. So when the logs looks like this (when download bandwidth is close to the 1MB) that means that everything fine.

2022-04-20 17:14:40,1046711.8,1022.18kbps/1.00Mbps, ......
2022-04-20 17:14:41,1036318.25,1012.03kbps/1.00Mbps, ......
2022-04-20 17:14:42,1034833.44,1010.58kbps/1.00Mbps, ......
2022-04-20 17:14:43,1046711.8,1022.18kbps/1.00Mbps, ......
2022-04-20 17:14:44,1046711.8,1022.18kbps/1.00Mbps, ......

But at the end of the logs you can see that the speed fallen to 100 kb:

2022-04-20 18:05:26,102993.46,100.58kbps/1.00Mbps, .....
2022-04-20 18:05:27,102993.46,100.58kbps/1.00Mbps, .....

And just to prove that it's not related with the reaching limit of my data bundle - attaching screenshoot made at the same time - 18:03.


Let me know if you need more details.



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The investigation has been closed because it contained minimal information that prevented my colleagues from the Network Crew from working with it. I advise you to start your own research via the link I shared with you. Go through the steps first. At the end you can create an inquiry. Please include as much information as possible such as:
- Where do you experience the problem? (postal code, house number, etc.).
- What exactly are you experiencing?
- What do you see on your phone's screen regarding network?
- What have you already tried?

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Oud Community Moderator
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Hi @walkline,
Welcome to our community and it's great that you indicate that you are experiencing problems with the internet and that you have already taken several steps. I can imagine that if the internet is slow, it is not very useful if you want to look up certain information. It is best to go through the steps of our Network Check for this. If you can't solve it with the steps, you can create an investigation for my colleagues at the end. Provide as much details as possible about what you experience, where and when you experience it (postal code) and what you see regarding the network on your device. My colleagues will work on this and check what is going on.

Gedreven Ontdekker
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I created ticket with reference to this thread, but this ticket was closed without explanation. Ticket number - 11050997.

Oud Community Moderator
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The investigation has been closed because it contained minimal information that prevented my colleagues from the Network Crew from working with it. I advise you to start your own research via the link I shared with you. Go through the steps first. At the end you can create an inquiry. Please include as much information as possible such as:
- Where do you experience the problem? (postal code, house number, etc.).
- What exactly are you experiencing?
- What do you see on your phone's screen regarding network?
- What have you already tried?

Gedreven Ontdekker
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Created the new ticket - 11063101.


Also adding here fresh logs (I mentioned that in ticket), because there I can only share the images and pdf files.

And here is my traceroute (I think it may help to find effected server at that moment) that is relevant to the attached logs:


$ traceroute google.com
traceroute to google.com (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
 1 (  7.232 ms  1.993 ms  1.519 ms
 2 (  48.726 ms  35.505 ms  29.109 ms
 3 (  47.717 ms  16.883 ms  25.370 ms
 4 (  29.349 ms  17.510 ms  25.075 ms
 5 (  46.283 ms  21.647 ms  26.439 ms
 6  tnf-c7201-asd-055_gi0-2_348.net.es.vodafone.nl (  38.762 ms  37.067 ms  24.279 ms
 7  asd-tr0021-cr101-be99.core.as33915.net (  71.834 ms  17.583 ms  14.842 ms
 8  nl-ams14a-ri1-ae51-0.core.as9143.net (  49.600 ms  31.001 ms  25.943 ms
 9  10ge-1-4.cr1.ams2.baseip.com (  34.872 ms (  57.272 ms
    10ge-1-4.cr1.ams2.baseip.com (  34.165 ms
10 (  122.091 ms (  79.691 ms *
11 (  91.581 ms  18.392 ms  25.074 ms
12  ams15s44-in-f14.1e100.net (  59.916 ms  60.988 ms (  317.250 ms


Oud Community Moderator
Oud Community Moderator
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Thanks for your reply! I have added the changelog to your case @walkline

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