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Can't top-up unlimited data bundle

Hi there. As a Red Unlimited user, last 2 months, I have a lot of issues with topping up my unlimited data bundle.
For the last 5 days, I couldn’t top-up data-bundle more than 15 times. Almost all that cases transformed into support requests to top-up it on your side.
In some cases, support also can’t help, and my Red Unlimited becomes Red The Most Limited till the next day.
For the last 2 months, I don’t see any changes/improvements in this field.
In general, my experience with Vodafone is good, but this issue is a huge failure. I hope that you will make some effort to solve this, in another case I don't see a reason why I need to pay for this subscription.


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Thanks for the data and screenshots. I have prepared case for the technical service. This is known under case 10457411.
The technical service will pick this up and possibly link back to you. You will also receive a confirmation email. If you have any questions, I'd love to hear them!

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Hi @walkline
Welcome to the Vodafone Community. 

I'm sorry to read that experience issues with topping up your unlimited data bundle. To be honest, we know that there are some issues with this and unfortunately you are not the only one who's experience this. I can imagine that this feels like your Red Unlimited subscription turns into a Red limited subscription. This is not the feeling we would like to give you. I can't fix this right away for you (how much I would love to), but we can start an investigation for you about this matter. My colleague @Steven is very skilled at this. Can you send him a private message with more details?

Name of the contract:
Mobile Phone number:
Birth of date:
Last 4 digits of your bank account number:
Screenshots when it fails to top up your data (+ time and date):


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Thanks for the data and screenshots. I have prepared case for the technical service. This is known under case 10457411.
The technical service will pick this up and possibly link back to you. You will also receive a confirmation email. If you have any questions, I'd love to hear them!

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