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Change collection date


I would like to change my collection date from the 21st to somewhere after the 26th if possible. 


Thank you


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Thank you for your message @rgorcioaia!  I have adjusted the collection date. As @Energeboy points out, keep an eye out for the next 2 bills. These will still be collected around the old date. The invoice thereafter will be collected around the new date. This is due to weekends and holidays.

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Hi @rgorcioaia 

Welcome to Vodafone's customers help customer community.

It is certainly possible to adjust the collection date. I can't do this for you, because I don't work for Vodafone. But luckily Steven is there, he works at Vodafone and you can send @Louis a private message here! On that page, at the top left, you can click on a new message (that's the red square with the pencil in it). Then you add him as a recipient and you can write your message, including message subject. He therefore works at Vodafone and can help you further if he has received the information below!

In the message you can mention the following information for verification:
- First and last name
- Address and zip code
- Date of birth and mobile number
- Last 4 digits of your bank account number

This data is private and is therefore privately sent to Steven, no one else sees this data. But then send it to him privately via this link! As soon as the collection date has been adjusted, you should keep an eye on the next 2 invoices. These will still be collected around the old date. The invoice thereafter will be collected around the new date. This is due to weekends and holidays.

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Thank you for your message @rgorcioaia!  I have adjusted the collection date. As @Energeboy points out, keep an eye out for the next 2 bills. These will still be collected around the old date. The invoice thereafter will be collected around the new date. This is due to weekends and holidays.

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