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Cant make my delivery appointment



I recently made an order on Vodafone's website, and it worked all fine.


However, on the order status I am told that the order is ready to ship, and that I have to make a delivery appointment via the link I received in my email.


The problem is that I did not receive any email with a link to schedule my delivery.


Could someone please assist me?





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Hi @gusdors1

Welcome to the Vodafone community. Great to read that you have placed an order with us. I can imagine that you want to receive the device as soon as possible!
It is best to call my colleagues from the sales/order status department on 0800-0560 (private) or 0800-0500 (business). My colleagues can search for the order, check whether an appointment is necessary and assist you further with this. Let us know if you were successful in making an appointment?

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I believe the first one is about sales, seccond one is about questions about orders. But even if you are connected with the wrong department, they can connect you through with the right department @gusdors1

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Hi @gusdors1

Welcome to the Vodafone community. Great to read that you have placed an order with us. I can imagine that you want to receive the device as soon as possible!
It is best to call my colleagues from the sales/order status department on 0800-0560 (private) or 0800-0500 (business). My colleagues can search for the order, check whether an appointment is necessary and assist you further with this. Let us know if you were successful in making an appointment?

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Hey Steven!

Thanks for your answer.


I have tried calling the number already, but since I am new to the Netherlands I do not speak enough Duch to manage my way until I am talking to someone on the phone, would there be a way I could make the call in english?

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You can always ask if there is a colleague who speaks English. My colleagues can put you through to the right colleague for this @gusdors1

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Yes but before talking to someone I need to press the respective numbers according to the instructions, but the instructions are given in Dutch so I do not know what number to press.

Oud Community Moderator
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I believe the first one is about sales, seccond one is about questions about orders. But even if you are connected with the wrong department, they can connect you through with the right department @gusdors1

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Everything worked out just fine, thank you so much for your patience Steven!


Oud Community Moderator
Oud Community Moderator
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Your welcome @gusdors1! Have fun with your order 🙂

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