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No connection in Ijburg, Amsterdam


I just passed to sim card to Vodafone but as aleady mentioned in other posts in this forum from 2016, the Ijburg area in Amsterdam is still not covered by Vodafone internet connection. I have 4/5 bars of signal in 4G+ and I'm unable to navigate. Why is Vodafone still accepting people registered in this area if they can't cover it? I know someone will answer that there is a problem in this area that is 'working in progress' but reading the previous posts, this problem is in 'working progress' from years. I tried all the solution that the Vodafone support suggest but nothing worked. I can't understand why Vodafone doesn't address this problem that is here from years. At home, I can use Vo Wifi for calls and my wifi for internet but as soon I go out on the street the connection goes to 0 (not even a speed test I'm able to do). What am I supposed to do? 


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Hi @EmanueleDB 
Welcome to our community! , I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing such problems with signal strength in IJburg. In the past there were a number of topics about the network in IJburg. I recommend that you go through the steps of our network check and create a survey at the end. What I got from previous topics, it has to do with a white spot in this location. Include as much detail as possible in the survey. My colleagues from the network team will check if this is still the case and if it will befixed. 

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Hi @EmanueleDB 
Welcome to our community! , I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing such problems with signal strength in IJburg. In the past there were a number of topics about the network in IJburg. I recommend that you go through the steps of our network check and create a survey at the end. What I got from previous topics, it has to do with a white spot in this location. Include as much detail as possible in the survey. My colleagues from the network team will check if this is still the case and if it will befixed. 

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