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Buying a new phone if I already have a vodafone sim-card

hi there,


I wanted to know If I can purchase a new Iphone 12 through subscription service if I already own an active sim card from Vodafone.

in the website it charges a new subscription based on a new data plan and I'd not be interested to have a new one.


is there a way to buy a new phone but still keep my sim card without having to pay extra for the plan ?!


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Hi @Alllesss 
Welcome to the customers help customers Community of Vodafone.

With Vodafone NEXT you decide when you take a new phone. For example, you can renew a subscription with a telephone with us after 4 months in combination with a new device. Do you want Sim Only first and maybe a phone later? Then you can transfer your subscription to a subscription with a device for free after 2 months.

For more information you can look at this page, Vodafone Next. If you think this might be for you, call 1201 for Vodafone customer service (toll free). In the drop-down menu, choose the option 'orders' and then 'Vodafone NEXT'.

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Hi @Alllesss 
Welcome to the customers help customers Community of Vodafone.

With Vodafone NEXT you decide when you take a new phone. For example, you can renew a subscription with a telephone with us after 4 months in combination with a new device. Do you want Sim Only first and maybe a phone later? Then you can transfer your subscription to a subscription with a device for free after 2 months.

For more information you can look at this page, Vodafone Next. If you think this might be for you, call 1201 for Vodafone customer service (toll free). In the drop-down menu, choose the option 'orders' and then 'Vodafone NEXT'.

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