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november 2021

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Re: why is my S10 5G not supported by Vodafone? Opgelost

Thanks for the information. i believe that the settings are the same as described in your link.The APN (roaming) protocol is set to IPv4/IPv6.There is also an option for Bearer and Mobile Virtual netw...

Re: why is my S10 5G not supported by Vodafone? Opgelost

Hi @Louis,Samsung has now confirmed that these phones (we have 2), may not work in the benelux 5G. I have received sms' on the following days:1 oct 11:511 oct 12:231 Nov 12:239 Nov 12:13After restarti...

Re: why is my S10 5G not supported by Vodafone? Opgelost

Hi Cecilia, samsung states that there is no reason not to support the S10 5G, they can be contacted at any time to provide any information & support required. my telephone receives an SMS every few da...