Good morning @miguelgui ,
First of all, it is a Dutch company and then it is customary to ask your question in Dutch. If that does not work, English is a second choice. I have put your language through Google Translate, which is not really the intention, and notice that you have a problem with your eSIM. This has probably not been implemented correctly or there are other problems. Someone from Vodafone will come and help you and look with you. Please also read the bar below for more additional information (please translate this yourself from Dutch to your own language).
⚠️ Zorg wèl dat uw Persoonlijke Informatie in uw profielinstellingen staan, dan weten Vodafone-moderators wie u bent en waar u woont. Het spreekt voor zich dat deze informatie alleen zichtbaar is voor medewerkers van Vodafone. Uw Persoonlijke Informatie kunt u HIER invullen. |